Books and Music
We aim to provide you with many more books that speak prophetically into the time and season we are in as the body of Christ
Worship is not just a life style, it is a weapon and crisis is the optimal time to use it! Be encouraged and ignited to downsize your enemy through expressing your adoration for God. Join Ali Loaker as he tells real life stories and teaching about overcoming the storms of life through worship. Buy your copy now!
What if what we are witnessing is not the decline of the Church but it's rebirth? The rates of decline in church attendance and the ticking demographic timebomb show that business as usual will lead to extinction. But out of these ashes there are countless reasons to hope. Signs and stories emerging from worshipping communities the world over can give us renewed confidence that, as always, God is doing a 'new-old' thing.
We aim to provide you with music from all genres that is specifically speaking prophetically into the time and season we are in as the body of Christ.
Ali Loaker
If you like rock music with a prophetic edge, this might be up your street. It is certainly not your conventional praise and worship. Ali tends to write about the fire of God, the signs and times of the current season we are in as the church and intimacy with God. One day, he may even write a song in a major key, but for now, for those who like minor-key rock, this is for you. Listen on Soundcloud, Spotify or Apple.